2005 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jan 1 09:50:35 CDT 2005
Ending: Sat Dec 31 22:17:46 CDT 2005
Messages: 585
- Efratom FRS Manual
Søren Nielsen
- Top secret?
David A Aitcheson
- Top secret?
David A Aitcheson
- Check signature
David A Aitcheson
- Sparc 5 workstation memory
David A Aitcheson
- Sparc 5 workstation memory
David A Aitcheson
- More on A DVM for $ 2.99 ?
David A Aitcheson
- The $2.99 DVM saga
David A Aitcheson
- The next BIG thing
David A Aitcheson
- U-Matic tape
David A Aitcheson
Richard Barth
- From the Associated Press
Richard Barth
- Purer sound from your CD player :-)
Richard Barth
- broadband » News » Anti-Muni Bills Country Wide - 14 states have bans, many more considering
Richard Barth
- alphaWorks : FairUCE : Overview
Richard Barth
- The $2.99 DVM saga
Richard Barth
- Johnson 250-37 Directional Coupler
Richard Barth
- BPL in the news
Richard Barth
- The next BIG thing
Richard Barth
- More on Bluetooth
Richard Barth
- Got power?
Richard Barth
- Google invests in power-line broadband | Tech News on ZDNet
Richard Barth
- NPRM on ham radio regs
Richard Barth
- Doug Lung's RF Report
Richard Barth
- Expired WAS: Re: Spam ? - Re: Doug Lung's RF Report
Richard Barth
- Fwd: Circuits: A Magazine to Do-It-Yourself
Richard Barth
- TelecomWeb
Richard Barth
- TelecomWeb report on BPL
Richard Barth
- BPL database manager
Richard Barth
- BPL in Mexico, from TelecomWeb
Richard Barth
- EMI From Hell
Richard Barth
- When a techie has time on his hands...
Richard Barth
- VHF contest Sat 22 Jan
Glenn Baumgartner
- Tacos Digest, Vol 30, Issue 6
Glenn Baumgartner
- Tacos Digest, Vol 31, Issue 3
Glenn Baumgartner
- new SDR
Alberto di Bene
- An actual OC45
Alberto di Bene
- Fw: Illusion
Alberto di Bene
- Fw: Illusion
Alberto di Bene
- Packrats of all the world, now it's your time !
Alberto di Bene
- The next BIG thing
Alberto di Bene
- The next BIG thing
Alberto di Bene
- A test...
Alberto di Bene
- CRM 115?
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Furby 2.0
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Check signature
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Sparc 5 workstation memory
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Other van concepts...
A. Maitland Bottoms
- International Space Station in cross-band repeater mode!!
A. Maitland Bottoms
- maintenance request was Re: International Space Station in
cross-band repeater mode!!
A. Maitland Bottoms
A. Maitland Bottoms
- SDR, FEMA, Open Systems
A. Maitland Bottoms
- D-STAR questions
A. Maitland Bottoms
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Low-bandwidth digital voice
A. Maitland Bottoms
Maitland Bottoms
- Spam ? - Links
Bob Bruhns
- From the Associated Press
Bob Bruhns
- The simplest AM Tx ?
Bob Bruhns
- Spam ? - Babelfish Babble
Bob Bruhns
- [LW] Receiver here is a 1N34A...]
Bob Bruhns
- FCC grants UWB wavier
Bob Bruhns
- some radio links
Bob Bruhns
- The next BIG thing
Bob Bruhns
- A little fun - TOP TEN WWV Promotional Ideas
Bob Bruhns
- Fw: Verizon Fiber to the home
Bob Bruhns
- Fw: Fw: Verizon Fiber to the home
Bob Bruhns
- Ho boy, here we go again
Bob Bruhns
- WWL radio
Bob Bruhns
- evolving role of ham radio in a disaster
Bob Bruhns
- Space Charge tubes
Bob Bruhns
- Can a purely thermonic cathod work?
Bob Bruhns
- Can a purely thermonic cathod work?
Bob Bruhns
- Fed Reg pub re: BPL rules
Bob Bruhns
- EPROMS Again
Bob Bruhns
- EPROMS Again
Bob Bruhns
- EPROMS Again
Bob Bruhns
- Top Band Dragon Fire Signal
Bob Bruhns
- Yet another interesting web site
Robert Bruninga
- HIgh-tech electrical glitches in cars
Robert Bruninga
- Spam ? - [Fwd: Fwd: WMAL Commercial re Ham radio]
Robert Bruninga
- Tacos, GOlden Corral and Ham radio.
Robert Bruninga
- My first time HF mobile operation in 25 years!!
Robert Bruninga
- Tacos Digest, Vol 24, Issue 15
Michael Chisena
- Parts
Michael Chisena
- Heads up, parking problem at the Taco dealer
Michael Chisena
- could someone please post this to the Team Tacos
Michael Chisena
- Contents of Tacos digest...FM receivers spot check
Michael Chisena
- Tacos Digest, Vol 31, Issue 16
Michael Chisena
- Tacos Digest, Vol 32, Issue 8
Michael Chisena
- EPROMS Again
Michael Chisena
- Once more into the bits....
Michael Chisena
- More on Armstrong
Michael Chisena
- Tacos Digest, Vol 33, Issue 22
Michael Chisena
- Transistor curve tracer kit
Michael Chisena
- Current meter shunts
- who is the membership person
Howard Cunningham
- who is the membership person
Howard Cunningham
- FW: Katrina Deployment Update
Howard Cunningham
- whats this all about Part 2 echo link
Howard Cunningham
- When a techie has time on his hands...
Howard Cunningham
- When a techie has time on his hands...
Howard Cunningham
- FW: Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Howard Cunningham
- Check signature
Robert E.Seastrom
- AMRAD Van work day
Robert E.Seastrom
- Spam ? - Re: AMRAD Radios
Robert E.Seastrom
- alphaWorks : FairUCE : Overview
Robert E.Seastrom
- Stripping magnet wire
Robert E.Seastrom
- The next BIG thing
Robert E.Seastrom
- Fw: Verizon Fiber to the home
Robert E.Seastrom
- Non-traditional Modes demonstration for Field Day
Robert E.Seastrom
- Google invests in power-line broadband | Tech News on ZDNet
Robert E.Seastrom
- International Space Station in cross-band repeater mode!!
Robert E.Seastrom
- International Space Station in cross-band repeater mode!!
Robert E.Seastrom
- mounting the radio at the focal point of the dish...
Robert E.Seastrom
- nuclear boy scout
Robert E.Seastrom
- Fed Reg pub re: BPL rules
Robert E.Seastrom
- Fw: Red faces at ITU
Robert E.Seastrom
- Chutzpah
Robert E.Seastrom
- Fwd: [Balloonatics] East Coast stations please listen in the
morning (Sun) for WB8ELK balloon beacon
Robert E.Seastrom
- vlf interesting
George Efremidis
- Something new, something different
Hal Feinstein
- WWV triva
Hal Feinstein
- slides for last Thursdays meeting
Hal Feinstein
- new SDR
Hal Feinstein
Hal Feinstein
- LINRAD weak signal package for linux
Hal Feinstein
- Correction I received to posting about WWB announcer
Hal Feinstein
- The $2.99 DVM saga: More
Terry Fox
- Yet another short-wave radio website
Alex Fraser
- Spam ? - Links
Alex Fraser
- Top secret?
Alex Fraser
- Shotgun info
Alex Fraser
- AMRAD Van work day
Alex Fraser
- AMRAD Van work day
Alex Fraser
- For sale
Alex Fraser
- Interesting TV show on WETA, 9pm Monday 11 April !!
Alex Fraser
- Cell to WiFi box
Alex Fraser
- Cell to Wireless #2
Alex Fraser
- [Fwd: An evening with Vint Cerf & Bob Kahn - Tues. May 10 - McLean
Alex Fraser
- [Fwd: [Rfmon] Extraordinary (non-wireless) event in Arlington -
Friday evening May 20]
Alex Fraser
- interesting application
Alex Fraser
- The next BIG thing
Alex Fraser
- The next BIG thing
Alex Fraser
- ARRL Field Day 2005
Alex Fraser
- geocaching?
Alex Fraser
- 2.4 gig swr & more
Alex Fraser
- maintenance request was Re: International Space Station
in cross-band repeater mode!!
Alex Fraser
- New Security Check
Alex Fraser
- cable TV & Internet
Alex Fraser
- FM broadcast radio
Alex Fraser
- (WWI) Gas price..
Alex Fraser
- [Fwd: RE: [ARRL-80211B] Big Easy Radio]
Alex Fraser
- reply, evolving role of ham radio in a disaster
Alex Fraser
- Interesting hurricane graphics
Alex Fraser
- [Fwd: [Q15X25] Re: Midwest USA 80meter QSO]
Alex Fraser
- [Fwd: [HSMM-TECHNICAL] FW: [MT63] Radio Society of Great Britain
special celebration transmissions]
Alex Fraser
- Fed Reg pub re: BPL rules
Alex Fraser
- quantum information discussion at last saturdays tacos
Alex Fraser
- whats this all about
Alex Fraser
- Tablet PC
Alex Fraser
- almost tubes
Alex Fraser
- The simplest AM Tx ? ( André Kesteloot)
Roger Geesey
- SUN's Free Open Solaris Bus Plan
Roger Geesey
- FYI...For all the local balloon fanatics:.... you know who, you
are! :-)
Roger Geesey
- Current meter shunts
Roger Geesey
- AMRAD area of interest
Frank Gentges
- Nigerian scam reels in a big one
Frank Gentges
- New Scientist says BPL could impact Ham Emergency Communications
Frank Gentges
- VHF Sweepstakes from AMRAD Van
Frank Gentges
- DirecTV downconverter design
Frank Gentges
- TenTec RX321 First Look
Frank Gentges
- [RX320] TenTec RX321 First Look
Frank Gentges
- HIgh-tech electrical glitches in cars
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - Re: HIgh-tech electrical glitches in cars
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Van work day
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Van work day
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - Re: AMRAD Radios
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - Last Night's Meeting Lost and Found
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD at Vienna Wireless' WinterFest
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - Back Home
Frank Gentges
- Enigma Machine to be activated for ham event
Frank Gentges
- Do you want flies with that?
Frank Gentges
- Hey BPL, try to compete with this!
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - Interesting analysis software
Frank Gentges
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Party
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - UF develops 100 GHz CMOS technology
Frank Gentges
- International Space Station flyover tonight
Frank Gentges
- [Fwd: Field Day attendees]
Frank Gentges
- Freescale Cuts The TV Cable
Frank Gentges
- IBM jumps into BPL technology
Frank Gentges
- Various Audio and Radio Gear
Frank Gentges
- vlf interesting
Frank Gentges
- McIntoshes seeking good home
Frank Gentges
- still worrying about that cell phone RF?
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - AMRAD efforts on Gulf Coast project
Frank Gentges
- Backpack power generation for remote sites.
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - 2764 EPROMS
Frank Gentges
- Pennsylvania Power and Light give up on BPL
Frank Gentges
- [Fwd: Re: [RX320] Uses of the RX320D IF ouput: one more]
Frank Gentges
- NIMS Training
Frank Gentges
- EPROMS Again
Frank Gentges
- EPROMS Again
Frank Gentges
- Spam ? - Woodrow Wilson Bridge = Extreme Engineering
Frank Gentges
- could someone please post this to the Team Tacos
Hager, Steven M (US SSA)
- seeking advice on SMPS on a chip solution
Samudra Haque
- maintenance request was Re: International Space Station in
cross-band repeater mode!!
Samudra Haque
- Tacos Digest, Vol 31, Issue 16
Samudra Haque
- audio over optical links as an add on to radio stations
Samudra Haque
- offer to help, YAESU VX-6R handheld freq. programming
Samudra Haque
- Magnets and Guaranteed Immortality
Samudra Haque
- monitoring radio communication with ISS/soviet systems
Samudra Haque
- Spam ? - U-Matic tape
B. K. Hart
- BPL thread
John G Hengen
- Time to replace the Sidekick with a MFJ-418...
Kevin P. Inscoe
- WMAL Commercial re Ham radio
Kevin P. Inscoe
- Repeat of a previous offer
Andre Kesteloot
- Repeat of a previous offer, again
Andre Kesteloot
- Yet another interesting web site
Andre Kesteloot
- Yet another interesting web site
Andre Kesteloot
- Yet another short-wave radio website
Andre Kesteloot
- Links
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - Links
Andre Kesteloot
- Boat anchors site
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - Links
Andre Kesteloot
- Inside one of these high-efficiency fluorescent light bulbs..
Andre Kesteloot
- FBI's new computer program
Andre Kesteloot
- Something new, something different
Andre Kesteloot
- The "New Scientist" rather unhappy with BPL
Andre Kesteloot
- From the Associated Press
Andre Kesteloot
- VHF contest Sat 22 Jan
Andre Kesteloot
- And the weather is.....
Andre Kesteloot
- WinXP and teh Serial Port
Andre Kesteloot
- Humor in IEEE Journals
Andre Kesteloot
- Humor in IEEE Journals
Andre Kesteloot
- Remote control of a PC
Andre Kesteloot
- Remote control of a PC: correction
Andre Kesteloot
- FCC and PLC protection
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: Re: [LW] Electrical Utility carrier PLC control]]
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: [LW] Power Line Carrier Systems de VY1JA]
Andre Kesteloot
- Electrical Utility carrier PLC control]
Andre Kesteloot
- Top secret?
Andre Kesteloot
- Top secret?
Andre Kesteloot
- Other site ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Top secret?
Andre Kesteloot
- Interesting idea
Andre Kesteloot
- ARRL vs. BPL
Andre Kesteloot
- Easy -5v
Andre Kesteloot
- More schematics
Andre Kesteloot
- Even more schematics :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- RFID at your local sushi bar?
Andre Kesteloot
- The simplest AM Tx ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Contest "Soapbox" for the January VHF sweepstakes
Andre Kesteloot
- Real radios
Andre Kesteloot
- Purer sound from your CD player :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: Re: Purer sound from your CD player :-)]
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: RE: [Fwd: Re: Purer sound from your CD player :-)]]
Andre Kesteloot
- Hedy Lamarr
Andre Kesteloot
- Vienna Winterfest 13 March
Andre Kesteloot
- Internet Mobile Telephony
Andre Kesteloot
- HIgh-tech electrical glitches in cars
Andre Kesteloot
- DartMail
Andre Kesteloot
- Grid-Square (maidenhead) Conversion Page
Andre Kesteloot
- Yet another nifty program
Andre Kesteloot
- Sources for old Radio manuals
Andre Kesteloot
- AMRAD Radios
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: [LW] Receiver here is a 1N34A...]
Andre Kesteloot
- The VE7SL Radio notebook
Andre Kesteloot
- VLF site with useful stuff
Andre Kesteloot
- The 'Net at 18 MBits/sec ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Televison in 1926
Andre Kesteloot
- A simply schematic capture program
Andre Kesteloot
- Stripping magnet wire
Andre Kesteloot
- A better antenna launcher
Andre Kesteloot
- From the ARRL Newsletter
Andre Kesteloot
- An actual OC45
Andre Kesteloot
- A simple programming language
Andre Kesteloot
- ***[Possible UCE]*** Re: An actual OC45
Andre Kesteloot
- More on ASY32
Andre Kesteloot
- On lithium-ion battery cells
Andre Kesteloot
- More on NiCad and NiMH batteries
Andre Kesteloot
- LF: Portable Tx antennas
Andre Kesteloot
- How to glue this to that...
Andre Kesteloot
- Other van concepts...
Andre Kesteloot
- A DVM for $ 2.99 ?
Andre Kesteloot
- More on A DVM for $ 2.99 ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Heads up, parking problem at the Taco dealer
Andre Kesteloot
- An old hallicrafters ad...
Andre Kesteloot
- High-speed internet access via the electricity grid,
a EU Commission recommendation
Andre Kesteloot
- More on BPL
Andre Kesteloot
- The $2.99 DVM saga
Andre Kesteloot
- The $2.99 DVM saga
Andre Kesteloot
- FM radio and melanoma
Andre Kesteloot
- Illusion
Andre Kesteloot
Andre Kesteloot
- One lonely DVM looking for a home
Andre Kesteloot
- Alas, sooo true...
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - Nice photos and descriptions of spy radios
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - Enigma Machine To Be Reactivated After 60 Yrs
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - [Fwd: Fwd: WMAL Commercial re Ham radio]
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - Interesting analysis software
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - [Fwd: LF: reception with multiple antennas]
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - [Fwd: LF: RE: Re: Reception with multiple antennas]
Andre Kesteloot
- Receiving Loops
Andre Kesteloot
- Some interesting circuits
Andre Kesteloot
- BPL in the news
Andre Kesteloot
- For the inquisitive mind only...
Andre Kesteloot
- Googlezon's EPIC
Andre Kesteloot
- The next BIG thing
Andre Kesteloot
- The next BIG thing
Andre Kesteloot
- K4S = Ham Radio and the Quiet Zon e
Andre Kesteloot
- Verizon Fiber to the home
Andre Kesteloot
- How records were made...
Andre Kesteloot
- Computer problems help desk
Andre Kesteloot
- SAQ transmission 2005
Andre Kesteloot
- Intel Researchers Develop CMOS Radio Supporting All Flavors Of The
802.11 Wi-Fi Standard
Andre Kesteloot
- Brain downloads 'possible by 2050' ?
Andre Kesteloot
- A test...
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: LF: RF Tech notes, and reminder for SAQ transmissions]
Andre Kesteloot
- Don't piggy back on Wi-FI...
Andre Kesteloot
- Freescale Cuts The TV Cable
Andre Kesteloot
- Navy Antenna Manual
Andre Kesteloot
- Of possible interest ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Interesting catalog
Andre Kesteloot
- For Droolers Anonymous ...
Andre Kesteloot
- AMRAD Tubes
Andre Kesteloot
- BPL at ARRL Hqs
Andre Kesteloot
- A "Wiki" type web page for Katrina
Andre Kesteloot
- Hams involved with Medivacs
Andre Kesteloot
- evolving role of ham radio in a disaster
Andre Kesteloot
- Space Charge tubes
Andre Kesteloot
- Vacuum Tube Data base
Andre Kesteloot
- Can a purely thermonic cathod work?
Andre Kesteloot
- Excellent audio file of SAQ reception
Andre Kesteloot
- Excellent audio file of SAQ reception
Andre Kesteloot
- 170 Mbps broadband over power
Andre Kesteloot
Andre Kesteloot
- AMRAD changes name
Andre Kesteloot
- Hams rule :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- audio over optical links as an add on to radio stations
Andre Kesteloot
- How to tell if there is a terrorist at the airport
Andre Kesteloot
- Interesting site re vacuum tubes
Andre Kesteloot
- whats this all about
Andre Kesteloot
- For Old Timers and Elmers only ... :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- Quantum dots that produce white light could be the light bulb's
Andre Kesteloot
- Calculating Analog Device Amplifiers
Andre Kesteloot
- EPROMS Again
Andre Kesteloot
- AM, FM & Armstrong
Andre Kesteloot
- More on Armstrong
Andre Kesteloot
Andre Kesteloot
- Top Band Dragon Fire Signal
Andre Kesteloot
- The GP-B Mission has ended
Andre Kesteloot
- The ARRL Spread Spectrum Source Book
Andre Kesteloot
- Fascinating Technological Approach
Andre Kesteloot
- To find any Zip code
Andre Kesteloot
- More on the infamous Sony rootkit
Andre Kesteloot
- Toroid inductor winding chart
Andre Kesteloot
- Sony: It gets better and better
Andre Kesteloot
- almost tubes
Andre Kesteloot
- rfsim99
Andre Kesteloot
- [Fwd: LF: Software to play with]
Andre Kesteloot
- Fw: Simon Singh, Ph.D.
Andre Kesteloot
- Magnets and Guaranteed Immortality
Andre Kesteloot
- Magnets and Guaranteed Immortality
Andre Kesteloot
- Fw: Simon Singh, Ph.D.
Andre Kesteloot
- Some interesting schematics
Andre Kesteloot
- More optical illusions
Andre Kesteloot
- Flexible batteries
Andre Kesteloot
- A site for instruction manuals
Andre Kesteloot
- Design info from National Semiconductor
Andre Kesteloot
- IEEE meeting
Andre Kesteloot
- Tippy Tacos
Andre Kesteloot
- Internet in the Carribean Islands
Andre Kesteloot
- Spam ? - 12 May Meeting
George Lemaster
- The next BIG thing
George Lemaster
- Spam ? - August meeting _Third_Thursday
George Lemaster
George Lemaster
Randy Mays
- Major Solar Flare
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station flyover tonight
Iain McFadyen
- BPL Conference with a Deployment Tour, April 25-26,
Washington DC
Iain McFadyen
- Check signature
Iain McFadyen
- Is anyone capable of receiving 8.4GHz downlink??
Iain McFadyen
- Is anyone capable of receiving 8.4GHz downlink?? {More...}
Iain McFadyen
- Thanks to all those who helped...
Iain McFadyen
- Amateur Activity from Beijing
Iain McFadyen
- Interesting TV show on WETA, 9pm Monday 11 April !!
Iain McFadyen
- The $2.99 DVM saga: More
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: [RACES] TOWER for sale: Must be picked up SOON.
Iain McFadyen
- Marconi Day celebrations
Iain McFadyen
- One lonely DVM looking for a home
Iain McFadyen
- IEEE talk on BPL
Iain McFadyen
- Space Day at Udvar Hazy Museum, Dulles
Iain McFadyen
- Up-coming AMSAT-DC meeting
Iain McFadyen
- Whatever next...
Iain McFadyen
- Up-coming AMSAT-DC meeting **Change of start time**
Iain McFadyen
- ARRL Field Day 2005 - Long message
Iain McFadyen
- Agilent manuals
Iain McFadyen
- Field Day antenna layout
Iain McFadyen
- Non-traditional Modes demonstration for Field Day
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: Micro Center - Last Chance For The Biggest Notebook Sale of
the Year
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: [QST de K4LRG] Board of Supervisors Presents "Loudoun Amateur
Radio Week" Resolution to LARG President Carol Boehler - KF4TJJ
Iain McFadyen
- Problems with our 50MHz Yagi for Field Day
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: [VWS] Field Day
Iain McFadyen
- geocaching?
Iain McFadyen
- geocaching?
Iain McFadyen
- Excerpts from the RSGB news bulletin
Iain McFadyen
- Local newspaper article about Field Day
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station flyover tonight
Iain McFadyen
- FW: [amsat-bb] Call for Papers--2005 ARRL/TAPR Digital
Communications Conference
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station in cross-band repeater mode!!
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station in cross-band repeater mode!!
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station in cross-band repeater mode!!
Iain McFadyen
- Vienna Wireless Society Balloon launch on July 23
Iain McFadyen
- U-Matic tape
Iain McFadyen
- WiFi World Record information (courtesy RSGB News)
Iain McFadyen
- The Score: Spammers $200,000,000 ,.... Good Guys $80
Iain McFadyen
- Solder
Iain McFadyen
- ISS visible tonight
Iain McFadyen
- January ARRL VHF contest results
Iain McFadyen
- Big Solar Flare spotted: magnitude X13 !
Iain McFadyen
- Manuals wanted by Agilent
Iain McFadyen
- HP/Agilent manuals
Iain McFadyen
- FYI...For all the local balloon fanatics:.... you know who you are!
Iain McFadyen
- FYI...For all the local balloon fanatics:.... you know who you
are! :-)
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: item for the AMRAD tacos news letter
Iain McFadyen
- Marine Corps Marathon: Assistance needed
Iain McFadyen
- Marine Corps Marathon: Assistance needed (Correction)
Iain McFadyen
- "Mr RFI" to Speak at LARC's Christmas Banquet on Dec. 4th
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station visible passes
Iain McFadyen
- OT: International Education Week: Event at TJ High School
Iain McFadyen
- OT: International Education Week: Event at TJ High School (More
Iain McFadyen
- Hams mapped by Google Maps
Iain McFadyen
- Off Topic: Lojack
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: Eprom project follow up
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station activity
Iain McFadyen
- Nominations for this year's elections to the AMRAD Board.
Iain McFadyen
- Nominations for this year's elections to the AMRAD Board.
Iain McFadyen
- My first time HF mobile operation in 25 years!!
Iain McFadyen
- Fwd: [Balloonatics] East Coast stations please listen in the
morning (Sun) for WB8ELK balloon beacon
Iain McFadyen
- International Space Station in Cross-band repeater mode!
Iain McFadyen
- Robust Computer desks available: Free of charge !
Iain McFadyen
- Practice your morse code, exercise your rotor gears,
and help someone track their balloon, ... all at the same time!
Iain McFadyen
Richard O'Neill
- Spam ? - Winding High Q Toroid Inductors
Richard O'Neill
- FW: [TrojanARC] news article on VU4RBI
Pratt, Frank
- General Coverage Radio
Pratt, Frank
- NSA seeks ideas
Paul Rinaldo
- Humor in IEEE Journals
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Meeting notice
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: Spam ? - Meeting notice
Paul Rinaldo
- Cryptologists crack the car key code
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: IEEE-USA News: IEEE-USA Brief Supports Reverse Engineering
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: VA QSO Party
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Fw: BPL Conference with a Deployment Tour, April 25-26,
Washington DC
Paul Rinaldo
- FW: Update from Congressman Tom Davis
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: The Truth Shall Set You Free
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Fw: Field Day Planning Meeting: Friday, May 6
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: Club News
Paul Rinaldo
- FW: RF Engineering Position Available
Paul Rinaldo
- Aruba
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Re: Doug Lung's RF Report
Paul Rinaldo
- August 18 meeting
Paul Rinaldo
- French military victories
Paul Rinaldo
- FW: Auto Call and FARFEST
Paul Rinaldo
- FW:RF Position Available
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Fw: re- Special Reminder for Sep 17th -18th
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Fw: Virginia Beach Hamfest September 17h & 18th - tickets
at the door same price
Paul Rinaldo
- Fed Reg pub re: BPL rules
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: HF Radio Engineer vacancy
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Fw: QCWA Chapter 91's website updated
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Power line interference workshop
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Fw: Member Professional Awareness Conference (M-PAC) Town
Hall Meeting
Paul Rinaldo
- Chutzpah
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Re: D-STAR questions
Paul Rinaldo
- FW: [BPLandHamRadio] BPL News from India
Paul Rinaldo
- FW: [BPLandHamRadio] BPL in Tasmania, Australia
Paul Rinaldo
- Portable defibrillator
Paul Rinaldo
- Fw: Simon Singh, Ph.D.
Paul Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Job opening
Paul L Rinaldo
- BPL reconsideration petitions pending
Paul L Rinaldo
- FCC Adopts Rule Changes for Smart Radios.
Paul L Rinaldo
- From the BBC
Paul L Rinaldo
- IEEE eScanner - April Events in National Capital Area
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - telegraph stuff
Paul L Rinaldo
- Distributed Load Monopole
Paul L Rinaldo
- AMSAT participation in Space Day at Udvar-Hazy Center
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Text Messaging vs CW
Paul L Rinaldo
- ARRL Field Day
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - VWS News for Field Day Week
Paul L Rinaldo
- A washingtonpost.com article
Paul L Rinaldo
- DDS chips
Paul L Rinaldo
- US Air Force to pilot BPL - seeking vendor bids
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - KC3VO
Paul L Rinaldo
- : International Travel Info
Paul L Rinaldo
- Katrina as seen by hurricane chaser Chris Collura
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - IEEE October eScanner Events
Paul L Rinaldo
- Fw: Red faces at ITU
Paul L Rinaldo
- FW: REMINDER: Broadband Over Powerline/National Milestone in
Net Access - 1st Fully Wired City in U.S.- TOMORROW
Paul L Rinaldo
- Call for articles
Paul L Rinaldo
- radio sale
Paul L Rinaldo
- AMRAD changes name
Paul L Rinaldo
- FW: TechWeb - Manassas, VA Has First BPL Site
Paul L Rinaldo
- BRATS Milliwatt - November 2005
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - FCC Distinguished Engineering Fellow
Paul L Rinaldo
- Marathon
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - Anonymous sperm donor traced on internet
Paul L Rinaldo
- Call for newsletter articles
Paul L Rinaldo
- PLC Report from POLAND
Paul L Rinaldo
- Spam ? - New Postal Rates
Paul L Rinaldo
- Annual meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- Annual meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- A washingtonpost.com article
Paul L Rinaldo
- FW: [BPLandHamRadio] Rural Electric Coops Likely to Use
BPL-Satellite Combination
Paul L Rinaldo
- FW: [BPLandHamRadio] Motorola Deployments Next Year Expected
to Boost BPL Visibility
Paul L Rinaldo
- Efratom FRS Manual
William D. Roig
- Check signature
Richard Rucker
- Low Frquency Radio
- FM radio and melanoma
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- WWL radio
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- reply, evolving role of ham radio in a disaster
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- reply, evolving role of ham radio in a disaster
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- EPROMS Again
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- EPROMS Again
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- My first time HF mobile operation in 25 years!!
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- Law & Order: Radio Direction Finding Unit
Robert E. Seastrom
- HiTech Glitches
Lawrence Stoskopf
- Stripping Magnet Wire
Lawrence Stoskopf
- NSA seeks ideas
Robert Stratton
- Virginia and mobile radios
Robert Stratton
- Freescale Cuts The TV Cable
Robert Stratton
- Hurricane Katrina RadioReference wiki
Robert Stratton
- quantum information discussion at last saturdays tacos
Robert Stratton
- whats this all about
Robert Stratton
- Those MIT guys must have too much time on their hands
Robert Stratton
- Spam ? - Free Towers
John Teller
- Spam ? - Links
John Teller
- Inside one of these high-efficiency fluorescent light bulbs..
John Teller
- Spam ? - 134 kHz RFIDs
John Teller
- Spam ? - Purer BS
John Teller
- Spam ? - Babelfish Babble
John Teller
- Spam ? - Re: HIgh-tech electrical glitches in cars
John Teller
- Spam ? - 2764 EPROMS
John Teller
- Spam ? - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
John Teller
- A better antenna launcher
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- D-STAR questions
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- Fed Reg pub re: BPL rules
Jason Wright
- DSP Engineer
vijay chaphekar
- An actual OC45
hal feinstein
- still worrying about that cell phone RF?
- HF Disaster frequencies.
- evolving role of ham radio in a disaster
- Can a purely thermonic cathod work?
- quantum information discussion at last saturdays tacos
- surplus list
- new q signal requested
- Emergency Power for Radio Communications
- Wind my own shunt?
- WD2XGI on the air 185.3025kc?
- WD2XGI some information from the web
- junk mail
- root kits are in
- Rule 1 Avoid the Internet.
- additional follow up on PKS
hfeinstein at cox.net
- Fw: Simon Singh, Ph.D.
hlfrmt at cox.net
- Fw: Simon Singh, Ph.D.
hlfrmt at cox.net
- Fw: Simon Singh, Ph.D.
hlfrmt at cox.net
- Fw: Re: Humor in IEEE Journals
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Spam ? - Purer BS
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: A DVM for $ 2.99 ?
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: Illusion
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: Re: Fw: Illusion
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Coax Connectors
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: still worrying about that cell phone RF?
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- whats this all about
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: Re: whats this all about Part 2 echo link
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: RE: Re: whats this all about Part 2 echo link
riese-k3djc at juno.com
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: Cool Sites
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: When a techie has time on his hands...
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- vlf interesting
sv8cri-ars at hol.gr
- USA DRM Meeting in DC - Digital Radio on HF
tkwood at pressroom.com
- Woodrow Wilson Bridge Sunday @ 2 PM
w3hxf at cox.net
- eHam.net forum message
w8lv at arrl.net
Last message date:
Sat Dec 31 22:17:46 CDT 2005
Archived on: Sat Dec 31 22:18:05 CDT 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).