Field Day antenna layout

Iain McFadyen mcfadyenusa at
Fri Jun 17 21:37:53 CDT 2005

Here is a picture  of the AMRAD/VWS Field Day site layout for next weekend. The text boxes don't appear to scale well, so you may have problems reading them unless you enlarge the image.
You'll find the FOOD tent in the lower left, with the Get-On-The-Air station. Above that are 80/20CW, and the VHF/Sat stations. 
You'll see the Compass rose in the lower left corner. This marks the entrance off Rt123. Note the immediate LEFT turn off the access road into the Field Day compound. If you reach the Park entrance building (hidden by the shadows of the pine trees at the turn-around point) then you have gone too far.
If anyone would like to subscribe directly to the VWS Field Day email reflector, just let me know. 
Best regards,
Iain    KI4HLV

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