Frank Gentges fgentges at mindspring.com
Mon Oct 31 19:22:54 CST 2005

My old Compaq portable has bit the dust.  I suspect a little TLC and a 
fresh CMOS battery would bring it back to life but then if you can just 
take the EPROMs and duplicate them why bother.

I have some 2764s here.  How many do we need?  I can supply some and if 
Sandy can dupe them we have the problem solved.

I  can also look in my junk box for PC boards with 2764s.  I suspect I 
can even find more.  We should not have to spend money.


Nan and Sandy Sanders wrote:

>I can do it on the programmer at work but we will need some 2764s. I will
>look and see if I have any but if not the order needs to go to digikey.
>                        Sandy
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Frank Gentges" <fgentges at mindspring.com>
>To: "Michael Chisena" <ka2zev at yahoo.com>
>Cc: <tacos at amrad.org>
>Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 9:14 AM
>Subject: Re: EPROMS Again
>>Has anyone got a burner that can do this?  I have not seen any traffic
>>on this.
>>I can dig one out if nobody else has one up and running. Mine is an ISA
>>card that cannot run at the same time as a VGA display so I run it with
>>an old Compaq luggable.  Hopefully, the Compaq still works.
>>I think Mike is looking to dupe 64k EPROMS.  I have a few of these and
>>also an eraser.
>>It looks like Mike will be at tacos next Saturday so we need to get
>>ready for him.
>>Michael Chisena wrote:
>>>Hi guys, Im still on schedule for R and R for the first week in
>>>November.   Planing on making it to the Taco's meeting.   Some of you
>>>guys offered to help with an eprom issue Im having at work.   If I
>>>bring some working eproms, can I hire one of you to make a few copies
>>>of each. This way when the boss sees that this can be done, I will get
>>>less static about ordering a prom burner /copier for the office.   Is
>>>there a chance I can buy the parts from one of you, or should I order
>>>them from Digikey for delivery next friday.   That's the news of the
>>>moment. Thanks in advance   Mike Chisena KA2ZEV Kuwait City
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