Annual meeting

Paul L Rinaldo prinaldo at
Fri Dec 9 10:56:28 CST 2005


A casual observer suggested to add that the Officers of the corporation
were re-elected, as follows:

President, Paul Rinaldo, W4RI
Vice President, George Lemaster, WB5OYP
Secretary, Iain McFadyen, KI4HLV
Treasurer, Maitland Bottoms, AA4HS

Paul, W4RI

>Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2005 10:27:34 -0500
>To: tacos at
>From: Paul L Rinaldo <prinaldo at>
>Subject: Annual meeting

>At the AMRAD Annual Meeting on Thursday, December 8, elections were held
>for Directors and Alternates. Those receiving the most votes were elected
>as Directors for the 2006-2007 term, as follows:
>Frank Gentges, K0BRA
>André Kesteloot, N4ICK
>Paul Rinaldo, W4RI
>The following were elected as Alternates (in case a Director is unable to
>Paul Mooney, K4KRE
>Terry Fox, WB4JFI
>Congratulations to all.
>Secretary Iain McFadyen is preparing minutes of the Annual Meeting, which
>will appear in the Jan-Feb 2006 AMRAD Newsletter.
>Paul, W4RI
>AMRAD President:

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