RF Farmers and Events

Dayton the once in a lifetime annual experience!
A couple of Radio Farmers were in the neighborhood so they did the T30CXX DXpedition in 2002
Talk to us on Echolink
JOTA-98 took place over October 17-18, 1998. Check out our local JOTA page.
Cedar Rapids

N0MA / R

24 Jan 2002
VHF Sweeps photos from KA0YSQ
Many Radio Farmers are present or past members of the
Collins ARC
Questionable Applications
24 Jan 2002
VHF Sweeps photos from K0DAS

What is the Radio Farm ?

The Radio Farm is best described as a virtual association*, which is pretty remarkable in itself, since we have virtually no organization whatsoever. We are an informal group of amateur radio operators that "enjoy" radio contests. Typical contest enjoyment activities include: assembling antennas in ice storms in the middle of the night, tearing apart amplifiers repeatedly during contests, re-soldering the braid to the ground rod at the beverage feed during an Iowa January, etc.

You may be getting the impression that not everything goes well at the radio farm. This is, in fact, the case. Fortunately, a great deal of the activity seems some what humorous... eventually. This web site is intended to provide us (and maybe some of you) with some levity. Aside from the humor (or meager attempts at such), this site also contains information on various projects, events and what-not that some of the individuals are involved with when they aren't wearing their farmer hats.

Some of these "non-farm" activities include:

* Previously Radio Farm was referred to as a virtual organization. For quite some time the term "organization" has been inappropriate. The term "association" has been inserted to comply with the rf.org Truth On The Web Policy.

From here:

A report of activity on this web site is available.

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Ron Luse, KX9Y
Last modified: Sat Nov 27 00:28:21 CST 2004