TRCA Neighborhood News: Mark Center BRAC Proposal & Forum

jagchad at jagchad at
Mon Jan 26 19:00:40 CST 2009

TRCA Friends & Neighbors: 

The Department of Defense's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) relocation proposal for Mark Center is tentatively scheduled to be heard by the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) on February 5, 2009, beginning at 12:30 pm. The NCPC is the federal government's agency that develops planning policies and makes decisions that protect and enhance federal lands and buildings in the national capital region. 

The City is in the process of preparing formal, written correspondence for submission to the NCPC regarding the BRAC proposal, and will have representatives at the February meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to attend and should notify NCPC staff by January 28th of their intention to address the Commission. Individual speakers will have 3 minute limits; organizational representatives will have 5 minutes to speak. The tentative agenda is available on-line via the NCPC web page ( ). The meeting will be held at 401 9th Street, NW, Suite 500 (North Lobby), Washington, DC. 
TRCA will send a representative to this meeting and welcomes input from anyone in our community for a possible consolidated statement of interests or concerns. Feel free to email submissions to President at . 

Your Executive Committee wishes you the very best in this new year, and we look forward to seeing you at upcoming TRCA events! Best-- 
Chad Sarchio 
President, TRCA 

Chad Sarchio 
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