TRCA Neighborhood News: Litter Patrol Volunteers Needed for Angel and Chinquapin Parks

Randy Cole jrcolehound at
Mon Jun 5 21:13:02 CDT 2006

Hello all,

>From April 1 through November 30th TRCA volunteered to
organize Litter Patrols on Chinquapin and Angel parks.
 In return the city will pay the association based on
how clean the parks are kept.  Park cleanup revenue is
one of the largest sources of funds to our
association.  So this effort is important to us.

We are seeking volunteers to sign up give ½ hour of
their time to pick up any trash (glass, cans, bottles,
paper, etc.) and dispose of it properly in a park
trash cans in the parks.  Since the park inspections
are on Mondays, volunteers are needed for Sunday

Any help is welcome, even if you can only spare one
Sunday afternoon this summer   For more information
please contact John Augustine at 
John.Augustine at  and  Susan Miranda at
themirandas at to let them know what dates
and which park you can patrol.   Make sure provide
your name, phone number and e-mail address.


Randy Cole
President TRCA 2006

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