TRCA Neighborhood News: Re: Park Clean-Up still has openings...

Randy Cole jrcolehound at
Fri Jun 2 15:28:59 CDT 2006


Here's another address for you.  It is for our
fledgling list serve.   When you send an email to this
address it needs to get approved by the TRCA listserve
manager (currently me) and then it is sent to everyone
on the list. 

neighbors at 

--- Susan Miranda <themirandas at> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I want to thank those of you who have responded. We
> really do appreciate
> your help with cleaning up the parks. This effort
> really is the biggest
> project that our neighborhood has going right now
> and it is easy with more
> hands involved. The bonus is that the TRCA actually
> gets paid to do this.
> This money earned goes back into our community via
> our neighborhood schools
> and the neighborhood scholarship and more.
> For those of you who have not yet responded, please
> take a quick look at
> your calendar and let John and Me know what park you
> would like to cover and
> on which Sunday(s). We really do appreciate your
> help.
> If you have any questions, please feel free to
> contact John or me.
> Thank you again,
> Susan
>   _____  
> From: Susan Miranda [mailto:themirandas at]
> Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:37 PM
> To: 'Barbara Stiles'; 'Brett Egusa'; 'Burt Carlson';
> 'C.G. Turner'; 'Dan
> Rosen'; 'Emily Freeland'; 'Jack House';
> 'Jeanne-Marie Murphy'; 'John
> Augustine'; 'John Manning'; 'Kathryn O'Neill';
> 'Kathy Dismukes'; 'louise
> Boylan'; 'Marcia Argust'; 'Marilee Cunningham';
> 'Michelle Dixey'; 'Paul
> Kaplowi'; 'Peter Newbould'; 'The Miranda Family';
> 'Willie Moncure'
> Subject: Angel & Chinquapin Park Clean-up, please
> help!
> First, thank you so much for volunteering to help
> with the Angel Park and/or
> Chinquapin Park Adopt-A-Park clean-up. We have
> received you name though the
> Taylor Run Civic Association membership. 
> This is a great program that helps keep our
> neighborhood clean and is very
> important to the Taylor Run Civic Association as
> this is one of the ways our
> association makes revenue. We have contracted with
> the city to support our
> community by cleaning both Angel Park and Chinquapin
> Park. In return, the
> association receives revenue for our clean up
> efforts, which goes toward
> supporting our neighborhood and community.  
> Our Responsibility:
> From April 1 through November 30th volunteers tour
> their assigned park to
> pick up any trash (glass, cans, bottles, paper,
> etc.) from the weekend’s
> events and dispose of it properly in a park trash
> can. It is best to bring
> along a large trash bag and some gloves. Also, it is
> also best to do this
> late in the day on Sunday (around 6:00 pm) so that
> visitors to the park
> later in the day don't leave trash after you have
> already cleaned up.    
> City Action:
> On Monday mornings, the city will conduct
> inspections to ensure that we have
> fulfilled our maintenance obligations. We are rated
> on our performance and
> our payment is based upon this rating. 
> Angel Park:
> The territory to be patrolled is bordered on the
> north by Taylor Run Creek,
> on the South by the resident on West Taylor Run
> Parkway, on the east by
> Taylor Run Creek and on the West by the gutter of
> West Taylor Run Parkway
> (the street). This includes the playground, ball
> court and ball field.
> Chinquapin Park:
> The territory to be patrolled is bordered on the
> north by the bike trail and
> the community center, on the south by the gutter on
> Chinquapin Drive, on the
> east by the gutter on Chinquapin Drive and on the
> west by the gutter on
> Chinquapin Drive. Basically, the inside circle of
> land inside Chinquapin
> Drive. Also, include the picnic pavilion and the
> playground area.
> Please see the list of dates below. Please e-mail
> both John Augustine at
> John.Augustine at
> <mailto:John.Augustine at >    and  Susan
> Miranda at themirandas at to let us know
> what dates and which park
> you are interested in. Please provide your name,
> phone number and e-mail
> address.
> We will compile the master list. We will also try to
> send out reminder
> e-mails when your date to clean-up is approaching.
> If you have any questions, please contact us. We are
> so happy that you are
> supporting our neighborhood to help keep it clean
> and beautiful.  If you
> know of any other friends or neighbors that would
> also be interested in
> helping, please pass on this information.  Thank
> you!

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