Massively Parallel Computing

The AA4HS Massively Parallel Computation Center is came on line during the first week of December, 1995. The Center provides users two (2) '486 Linux boxes networked via ultra-fast PLIP technology. Support for PVM and MPI multi-processing environments allows source code developed at other sites to run at new levels of performance. (And at a cost far less than other Intel based systems such as the Paragon or P6 thing. The system has a 4mm tape system too.)

What other sites?

Click here for a wonderful and much more complete list of parallel computing sites.

With support for both PVM and MPI software, this center is ahead of The ARL SGI PowerChallenge Array, which just supports PVM at this time.

Soul Birds of a Feather...

Even if the AA4HS Massively Parallel Computation Center was unique for a little while, there are sure to be more installations like it coming on line in the near future.

Matt Welsh announced on 29 February 1996 the formation of his WWW document regarding Linux and High Performance Computing. If you liked this Web Page, you're sure to enjoy his.

Linux-HPC Announcement

I'd like to expose and promote Linux as an O/S alternative for research and teaching in high-performance systems. The Linux-HPC page is

If you're involved in parallel/networking systems work related to Linux, please feel free to contribute to these pages by sending e-mail to

M. Welsh,
U-Net hacker
Cornell University Computer Science Department
Last modified: Mon Mar 4 11:00:50 EST 1996